RealTITracker A toolbox for real-time 2D/3D optical flow based
medical image registration

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is an image registration algorithm?

The goal of image registration is to match different sets of data into one coordinate system. Two images (a reference image Iref and an image to register I) are matched in order, for example to compare or combine their information.

What is an optical flow algorithm? What does it do?

An optical flow algorithm is an image registration technique which aims at estimating a dense velocity field assuming an apparent grey level intensity conservation during displacement. In other words, each spatio-temporal variation of grey level intensity is attributed to "motion". However, with a problem stated like that, an infinite number of velocity fields may potentially be a solution: any voxel-matching from Iref to I is a solution as long as the paired voxels have similar grey level intensities. An additional constraint is thus required. The method originally proposed by Horn and Schunck introduced an additional "physical constraint" by assuming that the motion field is smooth in the neighborhood of each estimation point.

The reader is referred to the question "How do optical flow algorithms work?" located below for more details about the optimized process implemented in RealTITracker.

What are the possible applications in the field of real-time image-based therapy guidance?

Recent developments in medical imaging systems, associated with fast data processing strategies, now allow acquiring functional and positional information in real-time during an interventional procedure. Dynamic MRI or Echography are thereby promising candidates to assess an on-line retroactive control of the therapy on mobile organs. For example, real-time processing of MR images, combined with a High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) system with rapid electronic displacement of the focal point, can be used to achieve a regional temperature control. Similarly, the recent development of integrated MRI linear accelerator, which are designed for simultaneous irradiation and MR-imaging, shows great potential for on-line radiotherapy guidance.

Although these new techniques appear well suited for cancer therapy in vital organs such as kidney and liver, their physiological motion induced by breathing and/or cardiac activities requires a precise real-time motion management during the interventional procedure to ensure:

To this end, several techniques are actively developped to assess either qualitative or quantitative motion information: While a qualitative assessment of physiological activities can be obtained by means of a respiratory pressure belt or cardiac ECG, a quantitative displacement information in the vicinity of the targeted region can be provided by navigator echos or ultrasonic echos.

More recently, fast MR-acquisition protocols allow acquiring images with a respectable spatial and temporal resolution and a good contrast with a clear depiction of both targeted and healthy regions. These images can be conveniently used to estimate organ displacements during the therapy using image registration algorithms. In particular, optical flow formulations derived from the original approach of Horn & Schunck, which are based on a spatial regularity constraint of the motion, were recently shown to be well adapted for the estimation in real-time of elastic organ deformations. RealTITracker thereby demonstrated a great potential for:

What is the benefit of using optical flow algorithms compared to other competing image registration strategies?

The main advantages of optical flow approaches are focused around:

How do optical flow algorithms work?

Differential methods of estimating optical flow, based on partial and higher-order partial derivatives of the image signal and/or the sought flow field. These methods are called differential since they are based on local Taylor series approximations of the image signal.

Optical flow algorithms allow estimating a velocity field assuming an intensity conservation during displacement, mathematically expressed by the optical flow constraint equation (OFCE) as follows:

where u and v are displacement vector components, and Ix,y,t are the spatio-temporal partial derivatives of the pixel intensity of the image.

However, a direct estimation by minimizing the deviation from the OFCE is an under-determined problem and thus an additional constraint is required. The optical flow formulation of Horn&Schunck, initially proposed in the context of motion estimation in video sequence in 1981 by Horn and Schunck, is based on a L2 spatial regularity constraint of the motion, which was recently shown to be well adapted for the estimation in real-time of elastic organ deformations: the algorithm proposed by Horn and Schunck introduced an additional "physical" constraint by assuming that the motion field is smooth in the neighborhood of estimation point. This approach seeks a motion field minimizing:

where α is a user defined weighting factors designed to link both intensity variation (left part of Eq. 2) and motion field regularity (right part of Eq. 2).

The complete description of the numerical resolution of the metric of Eq. 2 can be found here.

To ensure the convergence of the algorithm, the averaged variation of the estimated motion amplitude can be compared to a maximal allowed tolerance (of 10-3 pixels for example).

RealTITracker also includes a modification proposed by Zachiu et al. which relaxes the condition of intensity conservation using a L1 data fidelity constraint.

What is the accuracy of the estimation process?

Optical-flow based algorithms rely on the assumption of conservation of local intensity along the trajectory which can be violated during MR-acquisition. As an example, for magnetic resonance imaging, the following image artifacts may lead to local intensity variations, which in turn can be misinterpreted by optical-flow based algorithms as "motion":

How is the accuracy of the estimated optical-flow based motion assessed in the litterature?

The quantification of the precision and the accuracy of the estimated motion field for a specific application is quite a hard task, especially in-vivo since in this case the true motion is not known. Here are detailed several tests used in our previous studies to assess the performance of the RealTITracker toolbox during pre-clinical interventional procedures:

What are the input parameters for the algorithm?

Compared to other image registration techniques, on of the benefit of optical flow approaches is focused around the minimal number of required control parameters. The optical flow algorithm requires fixating only a single parameter (referred to as α in Eq. 2), which reflects the elasticity of the tracked organs.

The reader is referred to the following paper for a complete analysis of the impact of the α value on the outcome of the optical flow metric: While an increased α value intrinsically improve the robustness against low SNR values, it also limits the estimation of elastic deformation. A compromise must consequently be found. The accuracy was assessed ex-vivo by comparing the estimated image-based displacements using gold standard diplacements provided by external sensors, and in-vivo using gold standard landmark points manually positioned tracked by a staff scientist.

For example, with the implementation employed in RealTITracker, it was shown any value in the range of 0.3 and 0.5 for α provided tracking performance within the the gold standard precision for 2D sagital images of the abdomen, Signal-To-Noise Ratio around 10-15, and in-plane pixel size of 2×2 mm2.

Is it true that optical flow algorithms are restrained to the estimation of displacement of small amplitude?

Since the Taylor approximation of the Horn&Schunck formulation of Eq. (2) holds only for small displacements, it is often heard that Horn&Schunck based methods are restrained to the estimation of displacement of small amplitude. However, since 1981, many improvements have been carried to improve the numerical resolution of Eq. (2) and to stabilize the convergence of the employed algorithm. In particular, a multiresolution scheme can be performed, which iterates the registration algorithm from a downsampled image step by step to the original image resolution. In addition, the warping theory formalized here proposes to update partial derivative Ix,y,t within each resolution level (this procedure is referred to as "iterative refinement"). All these techniques together allows estimating motion of large amplitude.